Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve 2011

Turns out we had a brown Christmas this year and it looks like it'll be a brown New Year's as well, although there is talk of light snow tonight. I'm not holding my breath...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Deb's Front Yard Tree

Dale and I ran into our neighbor Deb today and she was lamenting the loss of her front yard maple tree. I do miss having it there as it was quite a beautiful tree. Alas, it was in poor health and had to be cut down.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Joe - The Master Craftsman... NOT!

I love putting together Ikea furniture. It helps me get in touch with my inner craftsman. I completed two basic shelves today. The first one (center) turned out just fine. The second one (bottom) well, not so much.

Dining Room 2011

We had our friends Kathy, Kathleen, Lisa and Janine over for dinner last night. All of them noticed the table which is the first all of them have seen of it since we got it almost a year ago. Dale mentioned that it does look very welcoming and I must say I agree with him. Here it is with the extention out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bedside Tables

Today we finally switched out the old bedside tables for the new! Dale reminded me that when these were delivered I was visiting Pete in Virginia back in March. Wow. Better late than never. I think they look great.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Heat Is On

Last night Dale turned on the heat for the first time this season.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I cleared pine needles out of the fern garden today and spread a bunch of leaves to mulch.

More Leaves to Bag

Dale raked today. I helped him bag about 9 bags of leaves. Dale's thinkin' we'll have to rake one more time before all is said and done this season.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bagging Leaves - Fall 2011

It's gotten to be that time of year again. Dale bagged about 7 bags of leaves yesterday while I watered the gardens. Dale says it's been two months since we've had any substantial rainfall!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Living Room - August 2011

This wall faces south. The photo's a little dark but you get the idea. I think we need a bigger rug.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Table for the Porch

Bought this used table today for the porch. The photo shows it still in the store - a great little place in St. Paul called Gypsy Moon. I took the photo with my iPhone and then emailed it to Dale to ask if I could get it. He said yes!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Front Yard on a Cloudy and Humid Summer Morning

Cloudy morning but this allowed the house to be photograped without shadows. The dewpoint is supposed to be 76 today.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Chandelier

We found this one late last year and had an electrician install it. Much nicer.

Old Chandelier

This chandelier came with the house and we never much liked it.

Surveyor Drama

I talked to Deb who told me the surveyor came to determine exactly where her property lines are. She talked to her contractor who said he talked to the surveyor who said that Deb's property line goes right up to our retaining wall. Based on where the stake is I would think the wall goes over the property line a bit. Deb also told me she talked to Jim (our neighbor on the other side) who said he found the surveyor digging up part of the concrete on the corner of his driveway. When Jim confronted him, the surveyor said he was just trying to find the stake marking Jim's alley property line so he could use it to measure to Deb's alley property line. I would think he could've asked Jim for permission. Anyway, part of the concrete was all dug up and the surveyor is refusing to pay for the damage. What a skunk.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Garage - Summer 2011 Part 5

This shot was taken from the second story of our house. You can make out the window's screen in the photo.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Garage - Summer 2011 Part 4

Our garage is to the left and Deb's is to the right. Photo is looking from Steve and Mary's driveway into our backyard.

The Garage - Summer 2011 Part 3

Our garage to the right and Deb's to the left. Photo is looking from our yard into the alley.

The Garage - Summer 2011 Part 2

When we bought the house the garage window had a board behind the panes of glass. I spray painted the board blue; my thought being that it would call to mind a blue sky being reflected in the glass.

The Garage - Summer 2011

Hopefully, within the next 2 or 3 years we'll have a new garage. Photos taken yesterday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Property Lines

The surveyors came to determine Deb's property lines. The stake marks the spot. I think our retaining wall goes over the line a bit although it's hard to tell from the angle I took the photo.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fan in Living Room Window

Gorgeous outside today but the house was stuffy. Photo taken using Hipstamatic camera app on my iPhone. Film is Ina's 1969 and lens is Lucifer VI.

More Front Yard on a Summer's Day

Photo taken with the Hipstamatic camera app on my iPhone.

Front Yard on a Summer's Day

Photo taken using the Hipstamatic camera app on my iPhone.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Adirondack Chair

Dale and I sat in the yard tonight and had cock-
tails. It was a gor-
geous eve-

Friday, July 1, 2011

Deb's Porch Part 2

Gone! They knocked it down this morning and boy were they fast. Deb showed me a computer generated picture of what it will look like when rebuilt. She's going for a smaller mud room rather than a new porch.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Deb's Porch

Our next-door neighbor Deb is having some work done on her porch. The guy doing the work has to find the property lines (I think to pull the permit) and was out looking around for the spikes while I was mowing the lawn. I asked asked him what the spikes were for and he told me that they mark the corners of the property lines. He was looking for them with a metal detector (Wow, so people really do use those things for more that looking for coins at the beach!). He said if he can't find them then an assessor has to come out and that can cost a thousand dollars! He told me he'd let me know when he finds them. I told him I was curious because Dale and I plan to do some work on the retaining wall that separates our two houses and we're assuming we'll have to have the information for that.

Saturday, June 11, 2011