Sunday, September 15, 2024

Enjoying the Back Yard

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Halfway through September. Enjoying a cigar in the backyard to celebrate a beautiful summer day. 

Lit up in the garage this afternoon.

Sat out in the yard and enjoyed the view. 

Mike was over recently. We sat out back after dark and smoked cigars. He told me he loves sitting in my back yard and I told him I love sitting in my backyard too. We sat facing north looking into Josh and Breanna's yard and beyond the other side of the street. With all the lights it really did look rather magical. We looked at the stars too and found the Big Dipper. At this time of year the Big Dipper is easily seen if you look up just past the north of our roof line. 


The weather today was warm and a little humid but there was a nice breeze. Sitting in the shade was really very pleasant.

I listened to Babs and also I listened to Marcia, the annoying cockapoo next door.

She's cute but she barks too much. 

Anyway, I'm ever appreciative of having this backyard space for many reasons, not the least of which is to smoke cigars. (Today's was an Oliva. Always a good choice for me.  Dale drove me to Anthony's Cigars after brunch at the Lowbrow.)

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