Sunday, October 23, 2022

25 Years!!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Dale and I moved into this house 25 years ago over MEA weekend. You can see Dale over to the right bagging leaves. 

Monday, October 3, 2022

October - Chili/Chilly

Sunday, October 2, 2022

We're at that time of year where sundown has become so much noticeably earlier and it cools off quickly. The days can feel a little bit like summer but the late afternoon and evening feels like fall. Dale made chili for dinner and it was the perfect day for it. 

Regina had a birthday recently and so did Dale. Julie and I took them out for their birthday at Parkway Pizza. Julie and Regina brought a ginormous bundt cake which we had for dessert. There was so much left over that we all took so home. Dale and I had the extra tonight. It was lemon flavored and it was divine. We had quite the Sunday dinner today with cocktails, snacks, dinner, and dessert. How awesome is that?

Sylvester was ready to wind down as the evening progressed. 

October - Cigar Time

Sunday, October 3, 2022

Perfect afternoon for a cigar in the backyard. Dale took a bike ride and I lit up. 

I smoked a Romeo y Julieta.

The backyard is my smoking room and I try to take advantage when the weather is most pleasant. The cold (mid to upper 30s) hasn't stopped me from lighting up outside but it's the best possible experience when the temperature is perfect. Sub-freezing weather will be here soon enough. 

A little gin...

A little Ella...

All made for a relaxing afternoon.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

October - Enjoying the Back Yard

Sunday, October 2, 2022

It's beginning to look like October. A beautiful autumn day. Low humidity. The light is looking golden. Notice in the picture above how many pine needles our pine tree is dropping. They're hard to get up as they get caught in the tines of the rakes and have to be pulled out. Our hope is to get them up before the leaves fall. However, that's our hope every year. It's easier said than done when busy. 

We've been quite dry lately and need a really good rain. This combined with my being busy with school and not watering like I should has caused our plants to look rather mangy. I gave them all a good soak this afternoon. We'll see if the flowers bounce back. I sure hope they do.

I'm gonna get back on track and keep watering even if the plants continue to get mangy. It can't hurt and they'll appreciate it in the spring.

Dale has heard our pine tree called an Austrian pine and a red pine.