Sunday, February 20, 2011

Paint Job 2010

In May of 1998 we experienced a severe hail storm that damaged our aluminum siding and the shingles on our roof. The type of wide slat aluminum siding we had was not available anymore and were told that we'd have to go with narrow slat vinyl siding. We weren't keen on the idea. The only other option was to paint. For various reasons we didn't have the house painted until 2001. The wood that had been under the siding was in pretty good shape according to a painter Dale knew through his then-boss, John. We decided to go with the color green as the main color and have red and yellow as accents. Sadly the paint started to show signs of peeling by 2006. By 2009 it was in such bad shape we knew we needed to take action because it was looking really bad. The company that had originally painted it was out of business so we went with another painter, Kurt, Dale knew through his current boss, Tom. Kurt had a really good Angie's List rating which was something we never ever thought to check with Doug, our previous painter. We went at looked at some other work of Kurt's around town and it all looked great. He wasn't able to get us on his schedule until the next year and we were willing to wait.

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